I am so glad that you stopped by my little place in this bloggy world. I guess if you are here then you probably want to know a little about me.
I am a simple girl.
I am married to the most wonderful guy and have been for a very long time! Wouldn't trade one minute - not even the bad ones - of all our years together. We don't have children but we have the two most spoiled dogs that have ever lived!
Christ is my Savior. I grew up knowing about Him but not really knowing Him. One day that all changed.
I wish I could say in that one moment I changed to perfection forever, but my friends, life with Christ is a journey lived out each and every day. Some days I do the right things. Some days I mess up royally. Everyday I can rest in the grace that He loves me no matter what.
I long to see Him in all my moments. He is there. I have just missed Him for so long that I don't want to miss one more opportunity!
Here at A Sacred Longing I gather my heart and my thoughts in the seeking of the Sacred in my daily moments. I hope that you want to walk alongside. It is a pilgrimage, you know. One that is made much better in the company of friends.

© A Sacred Longing 2009-2011
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