Thursday, October 27, 2011

What is within me is so much more than what I am.
I am broken, scared, lonely, angry, hurt and frustrated.
I throw the shards of my sin and hurt those who love me.
I dream big dreams and hide behind shadows.
Yet in the smallness of my soul, He looms large.
He exists within and seeks to be poured out.
A willing vessel is what He desires.
A shattered clay pot is what I am.
Fill me.
Always and forever
Seeking to grasp and then live this Truth.
He that is within me is so much more than what I am.

© A Sacred Longing 2009-2011


  1. Powerful! I love your 'Sacred Longing' for our God..."He has that is within me is so much more than what I am."
    Incredibly beautiful Denise.

  2. 'seeking to grasp and then live this truth' - amen, sweet sister. seeking with you and praying to grasp the TRUTH in abundance!!!

  3. Such a beautiful thought. I'm visiting for the first time and enjoyed it. The pictures are amazing!
