Monday, August 10, 2009

The Artist

I am not an artist. Yet, each day I awaken to a blank canvas. Its stark whiteness waits to be filled.

It never lingers long.

The layering of brush strokes begin with each thought contemplated; each word spoken; each task commenced. The color of life fills its emptiness.

Some days my palette is vivid and full.

Others, subdued and minimal seem to be the offering of the day.

While I may not choose the colors I am given, I can choose the grace to which I place the strokes.

I am not an artist.

Yet, each day I am given the opportunity to create a masterpiece.

No matter what it looks like – a Monet or a “velvet Elvis” – I pray that what is seen in my strokes is truly a piece of the Master.

He is The Artist.

I am just a painter

© A Sacred Longing 2009


  1. Beautiful pictures! Today my palette is full, but my canvas is definitely empty. Waiting for a Word from Him and I am just waiting and waiting.....

  2. "I am not an artist. He is The Artist. I am just a painter." Contemplating this over and over in my heart. Thank you Denise!

  3. You paint this canvas as a masterpiece, friend. I love the visual of adding colors to my day. I'm afraid today looks like fingerpaint rather than Monet. It matters not to me at this point. What matters is that is all makes picture-perfect sense to God.

    Love you. Keep painting!


  4. It is truly His creative touch that gives life to our lifeless hands & hearts. Paint on!

    Be blessed,

  5. Beautiful word picture that leaves me thinking about the Masterpiece He wants me to be.
    Blessings ~ Lisa

  6. "No matter what it looks like – a Monet or a “velvet Elvis” – I pray that what is seen in my strokes is truly a piece of the Master."

    Beautifully said!

    Love and hugs.

  7. Beautiful...this resonates within me. "While I may not choose the colors I am given, I can choose the grace to which I place the strokes." I pray that I too will choose God's grace. Yolanda

  8. There are tender and brash strokes every single day! Great picture, pun intended. It is amazing how a good cup of coffee helps ya deal with a day though.

  9. Your brush strokes, your choice of colors, your theme, the contrast of light and shadows... all of these and more, you are able to create a masterpiece... with your words.

    I thank God for how you are able to use the gift He has given you.

    Thanks for visiting my place. Thank you for praying for my grandson.

  10. i am new one on your blog. good blog you have
