Monday, July 20, 2009

It's Monday...I'm Crabby...You've been warned!

It is Monday. I'm not sure why but I am not a fan of Mondays. In fact, I get crabby early on Sunday evening just in anticipation of Mondays.

See....this is me...okay, not really but close, real close.

Not only is it Monday but July is almost over - it's the 20th for goodness sake! I mean, really, how did it happen! It seems like only yesterday we were just watching the trees budding and the flowers blooming and now summer is almost a memory. Yikes!

I hope that you have done something fun and exciting. We haven't a plan made yet for a vacation. If things keep going like this, I doubt that anything remotely exciting and fun will grace our calendars at least before the leaves start changing colors and falling off the trees.


Some days I just want to be 5 years old again. The days seemed brighter and longer. The only only worry I had was if I could stop the ice cream truck as it drove down my street. Catching lightening bugs was a twilight favorite and almost as fun as sitting on the porch drinking sweet tea and watching the cars drive by.

Life unscripted.

Simply lived.

I'm wishin' for some of that -- or at least for Tuesday!

© A Sacred Longing 2009


  1. Sigh! I can relate. I wish I could say that I looked forward to Monday, but all too often I don't. Once I get past it, I'm fine. What is it about Mondays?

    There are times when I too long for days when life was simpler...I'm trying to get there!

  2. It's Tuesday.

    Praying this for you right now:

    Life unscripted.
    Simply lived.

  3. Having serious internet issues! I posted 2 times last night and it never would post.

    I think that you are entitled to a little crabbiness. I dislike MOndays too. Hard to get back into the swing of the work week after a few days off.

    Love your writing and your perspective on things. You always bless me here.

  4. This reflects on your lovely blog title....a sacred longing.

    Love to you and hoping for a beautiful Tuesday in your heart.


  5. Sending you a summer hug and some summer love dear sister. I so understand about the time flying by.

  6. I remember the ice cream truck and catching lightning bugs. It did seem like that those were the most important things in my life at the time. The life of a child! HMMMM! I think that is how we are supposed to be seeing ourselves now except instead of our earthly parents taking care of us, our heavenly Father is. Thanks for sending me down memory lane to remind myself of the way that I need to be looking at the daily aspects of my life now.

  7. I love the way you write and your honesty! I understand about Mondays, too. Though I usually don't just get crabby on Mondays- lol! I sure hope you manage to squeeze in something fun- I certainly understand the need.
    Blessings sis, Laurie

  8. Well, did you find some simplicity? Better yet, the icecream truck to chase? I, too, long for some quiet and simpler times. Life is spinning wildly in all directions for me.

    Thinking of you tonight...


  9. Hi Denise!
    I la'love your picture of Maggie! She is a BEAUTIFUL dog for sure!

  10. ....and yes...I totally agree with time going by to quickly! I hear people say all of the time "I can't wait for my kids to go back to school!" What??? It earks me every time I hear this because I love, love, love my kids home with me during summer vacation. I look forward to the weekends when they're home with me all day and it's time well spent. Now that July is almost over I look back and think....where did summer go? There are just a few weeks before my kids have to go back to school and I will surely miss them. I wish I could turn back time even if for a little least long enough to keep the freezing snowy winter away!

  11. I wish I could keep my crabby moods to a specific weekday. I am an equal opportunity crab.

    Had my bad mood for the week today. You'd think I'd be getting better at this!
