Monday, December 14, 2009

A Winter's Journey

It seems fitting that the seasons have marched on. For as much as my surroundings have reflected the solemn barrenness of winter, I can’t help but feel its echo in my life.

Of late it has been like looking into a frozen pond and seeing a fragmented reflection. Life has handed some difficult assignments. Frankly, I would rather not have endured any one of them but the choice is not mine to make. It is what it is. Even so, my path is not the most difficult which makes me feel selfish in my misery.

There are those who have lost more and whose suffering will remain even past a season’s change. Theirs is a path I will not tread. I cannot tread. Ours is a solitary journey to make. Yet, in the days to come our two paths will meet and in that moment we will have the opportunity to be to each other what we cannot be to ourselves.

It is for such times that my soul longs for the whisper of faith and embrace of grace. Reassurances that in the midst of the bleakness there is hope. A promise that in the moment when our paths converge I will be prepared to be what is needed - not for me but for her.

While my life at times appears to be wilderness living, I am no John the Baptist. Yet, the song from Zechariah’s lips resonates in my heart.

…you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him. , to give his people knowledge of salvation through forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.
Luke 1:76-79

My breath hangs heavy in the stark cold air. In its ebb and flow there is a visible reminder life remains. This life, this breath compels me to walk on in faith preparing the way for Him.

© A Sacred Longing 2009


  1. Today, I am moving slowly. My head hurts and I need to get to the doctor to have a monthly injection. Your post motivated me. Thank you,

  2. Thank you for the updates and for being "here", even when you'd rather not. Your "winter conversation" is aptly penned--a time of stripping down and walking it through.

    I walk with you, friend.

    God's peace for the journey to you this day and throughout the Christmas season.


  3. I am so glad that you have updated us on your journey here. Walking through the journey that is lain before you with the Lord is possible as we trust Him to provide all along the way. He will see you through. :)

  4. Though it is cold, winter is a season not of barrenness, but of life concealed. It is a season of rest.

    We serve a God Who is Author of Life. He brings it not necessarily as we hope, but as pleases Him, as He intends for our good.

    I am waiting with you, in this season of your life, to see what life the Lord has yet to reveal in you.

    My love to you, Denise.♥

  5. All the temporal things in life, when seen in light of the eternal gives us that hope that goes beyond the futility of life. Thanks be to God! Have a blessed Christmas!

  6. You have chosen your words beautifully, Denise. Your honesty, your openness in sharing what you are going through... how true it is. We, each one of us, go through our unique journeys, but at certain points we meet. We are fellow travelers in this journey, dear friend. You are definitely not alone, even in your winter. Our destinies intertwine, and one's strength is needed for somebody else's weakness.

    Spring will also come, no matter how long the winter season is.

    I pray that you will not grow weary in the battle.


  7. BEAUTIFUL writing my friend! I especially love this line, "It is for such times that my soul longs for the whisper of faith and embrace of grace." Simply beautiful!

  8. Denise - thanks for sharing in our joy today! Yes, a privilege indeed! What an honor it is to serve our King in whatever way He calls us. Praying His sweet and precious blessings upon you! LOVE your hair in your profile pic, BTW! ;-) With JOY, Amy

  9. Oh Denise ... you've endured much in these days. It feels like winter, I'm sure, but in this world, spring always comes after the winter. Always.

    May your "spring" emerge in full bloom very, very soon.

    Still ... the winter hurts. And it numbs us. And it's bitterly cold and painful.

    Yet you are a testimony for the Lord in that you show a willingness to WAIT -- even in the winter.

    May He bless you richly.

  10. A very touching post...we continue to pray as you walk through this journey. As you continue your walk of faith, remember to raise your face to the Son, feeling the warmth of His love.

    P.S. Thank you so much for entering the giveaway I'm having. Good luck!

  11. yes, you expressed this perfectly. Those times when you push through and don't feel like it.

    'Winter's journey'... well named. I don't like these times, but I like what God does during them... in me. And I am finding that I need these times, it's all part of His molding and shaping process.

    And always, ALWAYS... He is there!

  12. We each have our journey's dear sister and I'm glad to know that we're keeping each other in prayer and walking the journey's with the LORD as our Helper and our guide. May His Peace be with you and your family now and always.

    I'm taking some time off line soon and I wanted to come by Denise to tell you that I've enjoyed knowing you this year online. Your heart is tender. Your love for the LORD is evident and His Hand has been with you through the trials and through the journey and shall remain.

    May this season and the found in His Peace.

    Much love...
