Monday, December 28, 2009

One Thousand Gifts - Counting on

This has been a difficult week. Not the usual for such a festive time of the year but nonetheless, it was ours.

We spent the last few days traveling between to mothers - his and mine. One holding on tightly to this side of heaven and the other dreaming soon she will be there, face to face.

We are just plain tired.

We didn't shop. We didn't wrap. We didn't open. We didn't eat in abundance.
We did spend the holiday with two who have loved us most.
We did give what we could - ourselves - to those who wanted nothing more.

At first I confess, I found it hard to be grateful. It was too easy to moan and complain even if most of those words remained in my head. Sadly, that was selfishness within not the Truth all around.

Yet, here in this exercise I am an unwrapping the gift I needed the most.

A grateful heart focused on the Truth not the circumstance.

6. Doctors, nurses and aides who work seven days a week, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year with compassion and professionalism

7. The love of a mother's heart

8. A memory recalled when most are forgotten

9. A hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning

10. The sweet and savory aromas of a favorite Italian deli triggering a multitude of memories

11. Safe travel to and from Ohio

Miss not on these opportunities, my friends, to recollect your graces. While your eyes may not always see your favors, in a simple act of remembrance grace abounding will be found.

holy experience

© A Sacred Longing 2009


  1. Recollecting my graces... I like that.

    Simple joys that dance with the truth that we're not alone, not forgotten.

    I'm thankful for the ways that God peeked into your world this Christmas. In many ways, I missed him this year. Not because he wasn't there, but rather because I was too consumed to notice.

    So glad to be moving past the chaos of Christmas and into the relevance of its entrance into my heart which remains year-long.


  2. Denise,
    Thank you for sharing is the true meaning of Christmas...being all we can be for those around us. The nurse, doctors, and staff are also examples of sacrificial giving...May GOD bless each of them for doing there part to make a difference, too.
    Blessings, hugs, and continued prayers, andrea

  3. I cannot help but think that you were perhaps blessed this Christmas more than any of us. Thank you, Denise, for sharing this with us. We need to hear it.

    I love you!

  4. I agree with Anne. Here's to 2010 being a more relaxed year.

  5. I love simple things...and the simplicity I found from our Lord Jesus...May God bless you abundantly as another year comes!

  6. My heart feels this deeply. And I do pray for you some beautiful beginnings, unexpected.

  7. Sweet friend - I am praying for you and your husband during these difficult and trying times.

    I pray that you find grace abundant. I pray that you find Him where you seek and that you seek Him with all your heart!

  8. That picture of you with your mom just got my heart. I remember going through the kind of days you are experiencing, with my own parents.

    I love what you are sharing though, about what you are blessed with. God's grace... and it never runs out.

    I pray for His peace for each one of you, now and in the days ahead.

  9. Thank you for sharing this precious post. It truly is those simple gifts that mean the most. Blessings to you this 2010.

  10. Dearest Denise, my prayers go forth for you and your family and for this year to see the PEACE of GOD and rest for your souls and that of those whom you love.

    The LORD has been with you and your family every step of the way in 2009 and HE'll remain with you.

    Blessings and peace,

  11. Praying for a new year overflowing with His Peace!

    I'm keeping you and yours in my prayers!

    Sweet Blessings!

  12. Howdy
    Oh how wonderful is the beauty of His truth in our lives.
    Thank you for sharing the simple definition of love,joy and family .
    May God bless you in 2010 with many new and unknown blessings .
    May each day in the New year be one filled with grace ,peace,healing,joy and all that you have need of .
    May your cup overflow daily .
    Thank you for opening up your heart .
    Blessings of peace to you and all yours .
    Happy Trails

  13. Your not alone. For many it was a difficult Christmas season. We too spent our holidays (Thanksgiving eve thru Jan 2nd) revolving around visits to the hospital. My younger brother's Father-in-law died Christmas Eve, and he left the funeral without going to the cemetary on New Year's Eve and drove three hours to be with our Dad as he lay dying. As we gathered in family waiting was impossible not to notice those with whom we shared our vigil. The man married fifty years who waited alone for his bride's death. The family who instead of embracing each other and laughing over shared joyful memories, spent their time quarreling. It is at the time of our deaths that we learn just how well lived our lives have been...and my Dad was blessed.

    Praying you have the same peace.

  14. Denise, what a precious heart you have. although these exercises in gratitude leave us sometimes tired, i think they produce endurance and training for the next time =) happy 2010--may God bless you abundantly this year.
