While it seems most fitting to save "starts" like this to the beginning of a new year, I don't think that this should wait.
I have waited too long.
Could this be why my days long gone have felt like something less?
Could it be why my present day seems jumbled and harried?
Could it be why my days to come seem pressing and formidable?
Simple things unrecognized and often, just plain ignored. In my missed appreciation, much more was lost.
So, this day I join the multitude in giving voice to my thankfulness.
1. A shimmering blanket of white that forced upon us a pause to life.
2. Hope that can be found in silence and prayer. An echo of Light in the gray, dark of life.
3. Beauty that speaks Truth
4. A hot and steamy bowl of chili.
5. A faithful friend waiting for me.
And so it begins.
A testament to the bounty that
was and
is and
will be upon my life.
A record of simple things and yet profound, for in their recollection I am given much.
Like a gift being unwrapped, in the remembrance and then the writing, I am finding the treasure within...perspective.
So with this post I join my gratitude with others and though it may be a day late, it really is not. For it is never too late to be grateful.
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.
Johannes A. Gaertner
© A Sacred Longing 2009